jackroll2015-06-26 07:51:54
C++ / C#
jackroll, 2015-06-26 07:51:54

What are the C# frameworks?

Are there any other frameworks in C# besides Microsoft's?
I could google only frameworks from microsoft, Mono and some other "mocking" frameworks.

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3 answer(s)
Tsiren Naimanov, 2015-06-26

why do you need others?)
it’s like with ancient Greek mythology, the gods are dafig, but the main one is still Zeus :)

jackroll, 2015-06-26

duality.adamslair.net - A 2D Game Development Framework
otter2d.com - A 2D Framework built on SFML 2
www.opentk.com - The Open Toolkit
www.aforgenet.com/framework - AForge.NET

Stanislav Makarov, 2015-06-26

I think you need to refine the search object. Let's think about what you put into the concept of a framework (and what can be put there in general): runtime, basic data types, basic class library? Perhaps you mean frameworks for specific needs, like ASP.NET as an MVC framework? For these points today there are answers, taking into account the fact that MS opens the dotnet sources, rewrote the compiler from scratch and develops a new runtime.

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