super-guest2014-02-06 01:39:41
Billing systems
super-guest, 2014-02-06 01:39:41

What are the billing options compatible with ISPmanager?

Is there anything else besides BILLmanager that works with ISPmanager Pro 4?
The goal is to sell hosting and related services (both one-time, such as an hour of help / install CMS such and such, and permanent, such as a month of support).

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3 answer(s)
super-guest, 2014-02-16

Thanks, but I already chose whmcs.
PS - they answer so slowly here that I already forgot about this site ...

Vitaly Niksenkin, 2014-02-06

a404.ru/blog/hosting/3399.html I will do for thanks contact mail @alice2k .ru

super-guest, 2014-02-06

Thanks, but I'm still interested in billing panels now.

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