YuriKob2017-04-28 16:33:26
YuriKob, 2017-04-28 16:33:26

What are the actual sizes of layouts, app designs for iOS and Android?

What size should the psd layout be, for iOS applications and for Android, I mean the sizes that are relevant in 2017, and is a modular grid used for such design rendering, such as bootstrap or 960 used for sites?

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2 answer(s)
Vyacheslav Beltyukov, 2017-05-04

for iOS now the main layout is usually drawn in 375x675 @ 2x, since most of the newly bought phones now are 6/6S/7. If there are resources, it is also desirable to have layouts in 320x568 @2x and 414x736 @3x

ChernovDmitry, 2017-05-11

did not try to use services like sympli.io, zepplin.io - there all issues related to layouts have already been resolved

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