ascart2018-05-04 18:20:18
User interface
ascart, 2018-05-04 18:20:18

What are some design approaches for complex multi-attribute searches?

Good afternoon It is
necessary to implement search by exact matches for several attributes.
There is an object to search with many attributes to search. The goal is to create a convenient interface in order to convert what the user has formed into requests of the form (Number="1" AND (Count="2" OR Count="3")) to an object.
It should be clear to the user and look good and convenient.
What are your thoughts:
1) Make a single search string with a drop-down list of what can be entered - a boolean operator, an attribute with a value, a grouping operator
2) Make an input with a drop-down list next to it, in which to select one or another attribute with the ability to add a line below, the same input and a boolean operator - which will aggregate the entered tokens
I also came across a similar search in Jira - the so-called JiraQL
Questions - did anyone implement, what patterns to look at, what good solutions are known

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1 answer(s)
Matvey Pravosudov, 2018-05-04

As correctly noted in the comments, you need to think about who will use the search. If not fierce techies who only write, as with the help of boolean operators (then you can finally give access to the sql console), then everything is ok. But if users are ordinary, then it is better to give them human filters. Like, show the softest and cheapest pillows. I exaggerate, but such a phrase is easy to understand, and it carries several Boolean operators under it.
Something like this.

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