badabom2014-11-13 17:48:16
IT education
badabom, 2014-11-13 17:48:16

What are really worth developing/entertaining computer games?

Please name really worthwhile educational / entertaining computer games that will be interesting for children of 11 years old. On Windows.
For example: Crazy machines, Cogs, Botanicula, Machinarium. "PB Winter bottom" can also be attributed, of course, it's not that complicated, but you need to think about it.
Sandbox games like Crazy Machines are welcome.
Games for finding things and making words are not suitable.

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6 answer(s)
azShoo, 2014-11-13

Fish Freddie at 11? Seriously?
At the age of 11, I was already actively comprehending books on Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and modern children at this age play World of Tanks and Dota2.
Developing in what?

Rsa97, 2014-11-13

Ceebot / Colobot
SpaceChem and other games from Zachtronics

silentvick, 2014-11-13

Kerbal Space Program

Konstantin, 2014-11-14

at 11-13 I bought disks of mega-pirates FARGUS with quests in English. It is interesting to play + you learn the language quickly.

bezoomec, 2014-11-21

Minecraft of course. With modifications of course. There are very cool magical and technological mods. It's all great. But in order for all this to entice, you need to play with the child. My sister, at the age of 9, also wanted to play "Square World".
There is also a Super Hexagon for a super reaction.

MrakCw, 2014-11-21

1. Portal
2. Portal 2
3. Braid
I wrote a more detailed answer in the toaster group in VK

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