DarthJS2017-09-07 16:09:19
Software design
DarthJS, 2017-09-07 16:09:19

What architecture to choose for an application like Chat, Slack?

Hello. So far React, I’m just starting to make friends and I’ve come across many things AngularJSthat were somehow more, chtol, understandable in the application.
Advise what is better to use and how to organize an application like Slack:
- Is it worth it to use it Redux, than it will be more profitable for this application than just Flux?
- Should I use Reacta router for user lists? Or it is possible to bypass simply component of lists of users? Maybe there are additional features in the router for these purposes?
- Is it worth using Reduxin conjunction with rxjs? We can subscribe to an event anyway, wouldn't that be a duplicate?
I would be very grateful for the guidance on the true path, in order to better understand what to learn to begin with. :)

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1 answer(s)
Maxim, 2017-09-08

I will prompt the answer only to the 1st question: Redux is more convenient than a simple Flux, as for me. Flux has a lot to keep in mind... what is signed where and so on and so forth. And Redux has one store and this is convenient.
Well, I’ll bother you with another 0.5 for the second .. React-router in the context (hence in the props) throws a lot of useful information. Just install it and see what it passes to the components. Based on this data, you can make a choice whether you need it or not.

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