Zefirot2021-04-06 14:14:41
Zefirot, 2021-04-06 14:14:41

What APIs are blacklisted and what could be the warning because of them?

There were 11 warnings in a recently launched project, well, they said forget it and run it, I launched ...
Here a new update for the unit came out, I updated it and updated everything with it, uploading it again to the Google console, I already saw 1 error and not 11, that's already I'm more pleased ...
Here's just one problem - I tried to upload even an absolutely empty project and it still gives this error, namely

StrictMode policy violation: android.os.strictmode.NonSdkApiUsedViolation: Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;->(Ljava/lang/Class;I)V
at android.os.StrictMode.lambda$static$1(StrictMode.java:428)
at android.os.-$$Lambda$StrictMode$lu9ekkHJ2HMz0jd3F8K8MnhenxQ.accept(Unknown Source:2)
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructorInternal(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Class.java:2325)
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructor(Class.java:2166)
at bitter.jnibridge.JNIBridge$a.(Unknown Source:25)
at bitter.jnibridge.JNIBridge.newInterfaceProxy(Unknown Source:8)
at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRender(Native Method)
at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.access$300(Unknown Source:0)
at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$e$1.handleMessage(Unknown Source:83)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193)
at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$e.run(Unknown Source:20)

climbing the forums, I saw that this pops up for many, and even there are posts from 2017 with the same error, but there is still no solution to this warning, that is, they have raised this topic for years and have not decided ...
So from why does it appear, what API does the unit have in the black or gray list, what gives such a warning?
How to get rid of it?
Or at least because of what, that's what exactly causes it, tell me?

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1 answer(s)
namee, 2021-04-06

now it is customary to build IL2CPP / .Net 4x
for both armv7 and arm64 architectures with the gradle
builder ,
maybe something is not configured right for you?

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