Nick932015-02-10 21:31:14
Software testing
Nick93, 2015-02-10 21:31:14

What and how to test installers?

I'm trying to get an internship as a tester, with the completion of a test task, there are more chances to get a job. So, in the task, an installer is given and you need to write a bug report, I found several bugs, googled a lot, but did not understand how to describe it all. Here in the installer, the very first mistake is that there is no install button, there is only an exit, you press the exit, it crashes. And that's it, I don't know what to do next.
Are there any tools to test the installer? And how should it be tested? I may not get an internship, but I will have experience.

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1 answer(s)
Melkij, 2015-02-10

An internship usually does not require good initial knowledge. But it is in demand to see in the report what you are looking at and how you think. Testers still have a noticeably different style of thinking, and tools are a thing to come.
What to write - look at the bug trackers of open projects, what they ask to provide in the bug report. Usually the points are: version of the program, in which environment the program is running, briefly what the problem is, what behavior is observed and what is expected, how to reproduce the bug step by step, a detailed description of the problem (here it is possible to express your own assumptions about the causes of the error)

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