eegmak2021-07-25 19:27:45
eegmak, 2021-07-25 19:27:45

What algorithm to apply to change the radiation pattern?

There are two sensors (for simplicity, let these be two sound-microphone sensors)
Each sensor has a radiation pattern. Two radiation patterns from two sensors intersect.
What algorithm can be used to find the sound at the intersection of two diagrams on digital data?
In other words, how to get one channel in digital form from two channels of sound in which there will be a result of a logical "AND" between the first and second channels?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Skusnov, 2021-07-26

Most likely, information about the direction will be needed. If the delays (from the two ADCs to which the microphones are connected) are the same, then correlation (time difference of the signals) will help, i.e. you are doing something like an interferometer. Only there is a pitfall: at the top level, analog levels are not processed, there are packets of discrete values, and this can give an error. By the way, you did not write where you stick the microphones.
PS By the way, I have a suspicion that you are not asking a question, but are interested in your decision. What does the logical "AND" have to do with it if the radiation patterns are arithmetic functions (that is, there will be arithmetic addition)?

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