yorg2020-10-24 12:32:35
yorg, 2020-10-24 12:32:35

Website scraper for wordpress?

Hey! Who can suggest reliable information, how or with what they "rob" content, in 1 publication, from different sources?
Site examples:
+ automatic relinking is done

Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-10-24

1) there are ready-made plugins (paid and free). You can google wordpress post parser and you will find a bunch of stuff.
Previously, there was a WPGrabber plugin that cost about 500 rubles.
2) you can write the parser yourself. Here everyone chooses the YP that he owns. I usually write in Java (jsoup), and for auto-import I use the WP REST API (there are ready-made libraries).

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