Arthur2017-02-12 16:04:17
Arthur, 2017-02-12 16:04:17

Website advertising by email?

Hello! Is it possible to advertise a site, site services by email, and not get banned if there are no subscribers. Tell me the services or the program can be paid for such advertising?

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3 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2017-02-12

it is forbidden

gimntut, 2017-02-12

Promotional emails that were not asked for but arrived are called spam.
If you want people to come to your site and subscribe, use systems like yandex.direct.
As a last resort, you can ask someone to mention you in their mailing list. But do not send out your advertisement in any way without subscribing to it.

SimBioT19, 2017-02-12

This is possible only if you cooperate with resources that just have a subscriber base. You negotiate with their administrators, and they indicate a link to your site in their mailing list.

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