SKRSKR2016-09-17 21:58:09
Network administration
SKRSKR, 2016-09-17 21:58:09

Web Server Cluster?

there is a small site on the server Intel Xeon D-1520 / 32GB / HDD 2TB x2 / SSD 240GB x2 / 1 Gb/s apache + mysql + php5 is installed and there is a small site on worldpress from which I distribute videos in 240p/480p/720p/1080p / 1440p / 2106p, and now at rush hour (for example, weekends in the evening) there is not enough Internet channel, I thought about moving to a server with a 10Gb channel, but decided that it was not reliable because if one server went down, the whole site would become unavailable. Tell me some good guide for a noob how to make a video distribution, let's say from servers 1-3, the site itself from 4-5, and database 6-7, and so that if something goes wrong, it works on another, and the load is shared on all servers. Now the traffic is somewhere around 50TB per month, DDOS protection - cloudflare and anti ddos ​​from ovx

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2 answer(s)
Vladislav 21rpk, 2016-09-17

Isn't it better to consider a CDN?

Sanes, 2016-09-17

So distribute. Videos are stored on remote servers.

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