sam_u2015-11-17 10:59:11
sam_u, 2015-11-17 10:59:11

Ways to switch from 1C to Java / Web development?

I decided to ask the community for advice on how to proceed.
I am 28, of which 6 years of development on the 1C platform, I have seen and done a lot, I think the salary is about the ceiling for our city in this area.
But the soul asks for something else and has been asking for a long time. I am attracted to Java as a language, and the web as a field of activity, although I have nothing against the enterprise either.
Now I devote my free time to studying the Java language: these are Javarush courses, videos from Golovach, etc. I don’t read books because I prefer to practice more. For further development, ideally, you need to get a junior position, ready to learn and develop, but in my small town such vacancies are on fire during the day.
And now I can’t decide what to do next with this, how to further develop the necessary skills ..
Travel to another city?
Wait for a chance and take it?
Learn more on your own and comprehend everything solo?
Write letters to IT companies yourself and ask to work for food, just to be taught?
I know one thing, it’s sick of working with 1C and here it only holds ZP.

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4 answer(s)
Andrey Shishkin, 2015-11-23

Oh, familiar)
I myself spent 4 years of my life on yellowness.
Essentially. Java SE - First Schildt, then Eckel + practice. Come up with a challenge and implement it.
Then it will be possible to dig deeper into the enterprise. See Spring, all sorts of ORMs, hibernate for example.
By the way. Now many IT companies have training centers with them, where you can get initial knowledge and work in the future. In fact, that's how he got over it.

Oleg Gamega, 2015-11-17

Sorry, 1c programmer and javarush in one sentence cause nervous laughter.
Still read books, if strictly aimed at java ee (detskop enterprise the same eggs), then go to another city, do not hesitate.
You can wait a long time, even for practice on freelance java projects, in fact, there are no, and those that are clearly not for a junior.
If you really like java but don't want to go anywhere, you can look towards android.
PS I don't like jokes about 1c / php programmers and didn't want to offend, among 1c developers it's very rare, but there are smart guys. Very rarely it is not related to the intellectual level, or the position of the stars, it is rather because the range of tasks they solve is often far from the tasks of classical developers. Well, javarush is javarush ... read all the same books, at least there are a lot of them

Vellon, 2015-11-18

Why do you need Java? learn PHP, there is a clean web, plus you can still pee on 1C Bitrix, and you can generally combine php and 1c if you wish, and you will get pleasure and money

goshan_p, 2015-11-18

Java is hard but interesting and will pay off with the right effort. Read books, learn frameworks, and write your projects. JavaRush is not a very good project, I heard from the middles and above with whom I communicate. I started Java after Pascal. What I read: "Java. Complete guide" Schildt, "Sping in action" + docks on Hibernate. Ideally, in my opinion, at the beginning of training, type the simplest examples from the textbook and implement various algorithms ("Algorithms and Data Structures" Knuth, I studied "Algorithms. Development Guide." S. Skiena "). Unfortunately, for the reason that in In my city, Java is not developed at all, so far there is no opportunity to get a job.

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