Ernest Faizullin2020-05-24 19:54:11
Ernest Faizullin, 2020-05-24 19:54:11

Vuex reusable modules. Best practice?

Hi all.

I'll try to explain briefly (if you need to clarify anything)

1. We have a list of objects (let's say questions)
2. Each question is rendered in the question component
3. I want to make a Store for each question
4. How I try:
In the question component in the mounted method (or created?) I register the module like this

this.namespace = 'question-' + this.question.id
registerModule(this.namespace, questionStore)

Am I doing the right thing? If yes, then I have another clarification, questions can have answers, answers can have actions, and so on. Should I also keep nesting by namespace (e.g. `question-${this.question.id}/answers/answer/${this.currentAnswer.id}`)?

I want in this topic, in detail and once and for all, to decide how normal enlightened people do

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1 answer(s)
Dima Pautov, 2020-05-24

Why do you need a separate repository for each question? Here you need 1 storage questions with an array of questions, then just create a loop in the template and display all the questions

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