aheles2021-12-07 12:37:05
aheles, 2021-12-07 12:37:05

VUE how to check for changes in input and hide button?

There is a layout:

<div class="container-paidAnother" v-if="model.paidAnother" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">
        <div class="inputs" v-for="(payment, index) in model.paymentsAnother" :key="index">
          <div class="flex" style="max-width: unset; margin-bottom: 20px;">

            <el-form-item class="mb-0" style="margin-right: 20px;" label="Amount" :prop="Amount">
              <el-input-number required v-model="model.paymentsAnother[index].price" :min="0"></el-input-number>
            <el-form-item class="mb-0" label="Information" :prop="Information">
              <el-input required v-model="model.paymentsAnother[index].informationPaidAnother">
            <el-button class="btn-delete" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-delete" circle @click="removePaymentAnother(index)"></el-button>

        <div class="btn">
          <el-button type="primary" style="width: 100%;" @click="createPaidAnother()" :loading="btnLoading">
            <template>Add more transaction paid elsewhere</template>

This layout looks like this:
The layout itself is displayed through an array that comes from the back:
When the button is pressed, two more fields are added to the array, and two additional fields appear on the layout.
Adding/removing fields works like this:
createPaidAnother() {
        this.model.paymentsAnother.push({"TransactNew": "Y"});
       removePaymentAnother(index) {

        this.model.paymentsAnother.splice(index, 1);

Question: Initially, the "Edit booking" button is hidden, how to make the button open only when any value in the inputs has changed, or the "add more" button or the "cart(delete)" button has been pressed, and the button is also hidden if all values ​​returned to their original form, which they were?

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1 answer(s)
Andrew, 2021-12-07

You can track the change in inputs.
As soon as we enter a value, our button will be displayed.

   <input v-model="title" />
   <input v-model="description" />

   <button @click="showButton = true" >
    Add more

  <button @click="showButton = true" >

   <button v-show="checkInput || showButton" >

data() {
  return {
    showButton: false,
    title: null,
    description: null,

computed: {
  checkInput() {
    return this.title || this.description;

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