Castiel2015-04-05 17:12:25
Castiel, 2015-04-05 17:12:25

Vkontakte API wall.post?

What is the possibility of obtaining a token for publication in a post group, through the usual authorization and receiving a token, all the API works, but the publication does not roll. If you receive a token through redirect_uri= https://oauth.vk.com/blank.html , then everything works fine .
At first I thought it was exactly how to receive, add the step of inserting the url of such a page, but then I saw that on postio.ru everything works by receiving a token through code (&response_type=code), so the question arose of how they do this.

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2 answer(s)
littleguga, 2015-04-05

1. Or as it is written here
2. Or pull out from redirect_uri= https://oauth.vk.com/blank.html
3. Negotiate with VK TP

igorperciuleac, 2015-04-08

Also very interested in this question.
Especially 3. Negotiate with TP VK
Has anyone had such an experience?

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