Ernest Faizullin2016-10-20 10:31:27
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Ernest Faizullin, 2016-10-20 10:31:27

Vkontakte API. How do I get permissions to access my audio recordings?

Hi all! When you try to get your audio recordings through a request like this:

GET 'https://api.vk.com/method/audio.get?access_token=MY_ACCESS_TOKEN'

An error occurs:
error_code: 15,
error_msg: "Access denied: no access to call this method"

When authorizing, the scope is set to 'audio', when I log in, there is a notification that the application will get access to audio recordings, but when I try to get audio recordings, the error "Access denied: no access to call this method" comes up. Tried adding &scope=audio, didn't help.
There is an article in the documentation Application access rights , it's just a table with access rights, but how to apply them in the request? And what do numbers with plus signs mean in this table, for example audio +8
Thank you in advance!

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1 answer(s)
Vitaly, 2016-10-20

when you request a token, you must specify an additional scope parameter with the permission amount in the request.
your token to public information and naturally does not give access there. where do you want
to look here https://vk.com/dev/authcode_flow_user

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