aba2011-08-16 16:21:13
Google Analytics
aba, 2011-08-16 16:21:13

Visitor statistics with IP addresses of visitors


The client wants to see which IP addresses the visitors came to through search queries. That is, for example:

1) the visitor on came in with the request "bla-bla-bla"
2) with the request "bla-bla-bla" they came from the addresses and

Can this be integrated into GoogleAnalytics or into Metric? Something suggests that it is possible, but the search returned no results. Also, any developed traffic accounting system will do.

Thanks in advance.

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4 answer(s)
Sergey, 2011-08-16

Analyze web server logs. Awstats, webalizer, or an elementary self-written script, if the task is fully described in the question.

Anatoly, 2011-08-16

In theory, after all, the referee will have a search query if the person came from a search engine

Alexey Denisov, 2011-08-16

Google Analytics is fundamentally against tracking and identifying specific people. But nothing prevents you from trying to use his own tools for this, for example, trackEvent or setVar with the assignment of the user's IP variable.

Zamorozka, 2011-08-16

I advise you to configure apache and trace the client IP and referer.
Well, if you do it professionally, then attach javascript to the site, which transfers these parameters to some lightweight database, in addition, you can analyze all kinds of clicks.

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