mafet2011-11-28 02:16:41
mafet, 2011-11-28 02:16:41

Virtualization. Openvz, kvm or something else?

I have a Sun X2200 server with 6GB of RAM, 300GB of screw and 1 dual-core processor. The configuration by today's standards is so-so, but 1 GB of unlimited Internet in a good DC, and generally not ready to invest a lot of money in hardware (so far).
The server has VMWARE ESXi 4.1 deployed with a bunch of virtual machines. Virtual machines are such - a gate, a database server, an nginx server, two app servers (my and a friend's) - this is the main thing that spins on this wheelbarrow and there are no problems with this.

The question, because of which this q&a is created like this. I need to provide allocated space (process and disk) for small projects - purely out of friendship or acquaintances. I don't want to create a whole new virtual machine, because this is simply not necessary (projects do not need full root access, etc.) and I want to get by with something cheap in terms of memory, disk and processor, because. My general resources are very limited. There are several options between which I choose, but the main thing that I think is that one core (we are talking, of course, about linux, most likely about ubuntu) should be enough for me in theory for everyone - accordingly, this is saving on disk, memory and generally simplicity updates.
Actually what for such tasks (actually virtual hosting) who would advise? Ease of administration is not critical, since this is not commerce and nothing super complicated and convenient is required. The simplicity of the expansion solution is welcome, of course, but I'm not going to be the next hosting provider, because. I don't see much benefit in this.

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3 answer(s)
xdenser, 2011-11-28

In my opinion, KVM inside VMWare will not work. I refused anyway.
More precisely, he refused to work for me as part of proxmox.
And so, according to the description, OpenVZ will go like that.
According to LXC - does he have his own childhood diseases? He will be younger. I didn't use it myself so I don't know.

kreativf, 2011-11-28

I would recommend KVM, but this is my personal choice. KVM vs OpenVZ is a holistic question. The main difference between them is in isolation (KVM is better in this regard), but in terms of performance, how it turns out (they usually say that OpenVZ is better in this regard).
Can I ask you why exactly ubuntu and for example not debian? Ubuntu IMHO is more suitable for the desktop. But this is also a purely personal "taste" of distributions.

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2011-11-28

LXC + lxc.tl
OpenVZ without childhood diseases.
Just keep in mind that the degree of isolation is not enough to use this solution for, in fact, isolating different people who want to visit each other's console.
In terms of speed - native performance (and what else to expect from chroot + cgroups, yes).

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