MIsternik2015-09-17 17:45:51
MIsternik, 2015-09-17 17:45:51

VDS vs Asure which is more profitable?

Many places say that cloud technologies are cheaper, you pay only for the resources used and blah blah blah.
In reality, I have VDS for 600 rubles / month. c 50GB, 2 cores, 2 RAM. I can smoothly change any of these parameters and keep as many sites as I like.
In Azure, for one site you need one database and 1 application plan, total SQL Database - 249.24 rubles. App Service - 483.60 rubles. = 732.84 per month.
Well, not much more, but only 1GB of space, 0.5 RAM and 2GB of base.
One gig is not enough, you will have to take the next plan for applications - Basic we have 10GB and 1.75 RAM.
It already costs 2,790 + 249 = 3,039 rubles. months
Apparently, on azure, only resources for the application are considered, and on VDS, the OS also uses them, but still.
What is the benefit?
For 3100 I can get a VDS with 7 cores, 12GB of RAM and 250GB of disk!
I do not understand something ?

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2 answer(s)
Optimus, 2015-09-17
Pyan @marrk2

I thought VDS is more profitable for me

KeyDoo, 2015-09-18

"Many places are written" - this is where the money that you counted against VDS went.
In general, all clouds in one way or another in primitives are the same technologies as VDS. The question is in what package you sell it.

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