Lesha Fedoseev2014-02-15 14:09:59
Ruby on Rails
Lesha Fedoseev, 2014-02-15 14:09:59

Using host application helpers in mountable engine views

I have a mountable engine that mounts to the main application.
In the main application, directly in ApplicationHelperthere is a very simple helper edit_link(path): you give it a url, it returns the html code of the link.
The engine has a couple of controllers with views (interfaces) in which I want to use this helper.
By default, Rails doesn't let me do this: I've tried using both simple edit_link(path)and main_app.edit_link(path)(this works with routes, but not with helpers).
Then I decided to do this:

module MyEngine
  module ApplicationHelper
    include ActionView::Helpers::ApplicationHelper

It worked, though. When I restarted the dev server, the first request to the engine interface caught an exception:
uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::ApplicationHelper

I made a request to the main application controller and returned to the engine interface - it works again. Restarted the server again and made the first request to the engine interface - it works. And I can’t catch uninitialized constantthe exception anymore.
I would like to understand what it was and whether it is possible to include helpers of the main application in the views of the mountable engine using this method.

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1 answer(s)
Lesha Fedoseev, 2014-02-15

In general, it seems to work like this:
lib/my_engine/engine.rb (this is inside the engine)

module MyEngine
  class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
    isolate_namespace MyEngine
    config.to_prepare do

PS He includekilled accordingly.

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