Daria Motorina2019-11-11 20:00:22
Daria Motorina, 2019-11-11 20:00:22

Useful task for mastering ELK?

I would like to master typical application infrastructure administration tasks, on previous projects I used solutions made before me and saw them only as a user (kibanu from ELK, graphana dashboards), logging at the "write something through monolog in the application" level. Now I have no work projects, I am engaged in self-development at home.
What problem can be reproduced in a php application and solved using the elk stack? Is it possible to consider tutorials on the level of "put elk on LAN, write down the settings, throw a log and make sure that it is visible in kibana" sufficient to talk about what I can do to find a job?

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1 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2019-11-11

Set up alerts on ELK that are triggered by various events in the log. For example, if a certain process wrote to the log that it ran longer than 30 seconds.
Set up logging of several log files with different tags (prod, test), and set up different indexes for them.

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