Egor2021-07-12 12:50:18
Egor, 2021-07-12 12:50:18

Unexpected token gulp?

I must say right away that I am new to this business
. I have an error when starting gulp, it gives me an error
gulpfile.js: 44
function browserSync(params) {

SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'function'
at wrapSafe (internal/modules/ cjs/loader.js:979:16)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:27)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092 :10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14)
at Module.require (internal/ modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)
at requireOrImport (C:\Users\yegor\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\gulp-cli\lib\shared\require-or-import.js:19:11)
at execute (C:\Users\yegor\AppData\ Roaming\npm\node_modules\gulp-cli\lib\versioned\^4.0.0\index.js:37:3)
at Liftoff.handleArguments (C:\Users\yegor\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\gulp-cli \index.js:211:24)

Here is my gulpfile:

let project_folder = 'dist';
let source_folder = '#src';

let path = {
  build: {
    html: project_folder + '/',
    css: project_folder + '/css/',
    js: project_folder + '/js/',
    img: project_folder + '/img/',
    fonts: project_folder + '/fonts/',
  src: {
    html: [source_folder + '/**/*html', '!' + source_folder + '/components/_*.html'],
    css: source_folder + '/scss/style.scss',
    js: [source_folder + '/js/**/*.js', '!' + source_folder + '/js/**/_*.js'],
    img: [source_folder + '/img/**/*.{jpg,pnp,svg,gif,ico,webp}', '!' + source_folder + '/img/soc-icons/*.svg'],
    fonts: source_folder + '/fonts/*.ttf',
  watch: {
    html: source_folder + '/**/*.html',
    css: source_folder + '/scss/**/*.scss',
    js: source_folder + '/js/**/*.js',
    img: source_folder + '/img/**/*.{jpg,png,svg,gif,ico,webp}',
  clean: './' + project_folder + '/'

let {src, dest} = require('gulp'),
  gulp = require('gulp'),
  babel = require('gulp-babel'),
  browsersync = require('browser-sync').create(), 
  fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include'),
  del = require('del'), 
  scss = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass')), 
  autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'), 
  cleancss = require('gulp-clean-css'), 
  rename = require('gulp-rename'), 
  uglify = require('gulp-uglify-es').default,
function browserSync(params) {
    server: {
      baseDir: './' + project_folder + '/'
    port: 3000,
    notify: false

function html() {
  return src(path.src.html)

function css() {
  return src(path.src.css)
        outputStyle: 'expanded'
        overrideBrowserList: ['last 5 version'],
        cascade: true
    .pipe(cleancss({compatibility: 'ie8'}))
    .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))

function js() {
  return src(path.src.js)
      presets: ['babel/preset-env']
    .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))

function images() {
  return src(path.src.img)

function watchFiles(params) {
  gulp.watch([path.watch.html], html);
  gulp.watch([path.watch.css], css);
  gulp.watch([path.watch.js], js);
  gulp.watch([path.watch.img], images);

function clean(params) {
  return del(path.clean);

let build = gulp.series(clean, gulp.parallel(html, css, js, images));
let watch = gulp.parallel(build, watchFiles, browserSync);

exports.html = html;
exports.js = js;
exports.css = scss;
exports.images = images;
exports.build = build;
exports.watch = watch;
exports.default = watch;

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1 answer(s)
Sergey delphinpro, 2021-07-12

There should be a semicolon here.

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