TechNOIR2018-07-06 15:17:12
TechNOIR, 2018-07-06 15:17:12

Ubuntu. nodejs-legacy is not installed. How to fix?

Good afternoon.
I get an error when trying to install nodejs-legacy:

apt install nodejs-legacy
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Пакеты, имеющие неудовлетворённые зависимости:
 nodejs-legacy : Зависит: nodejs (>= 0.6.19~dfsg1-3~) но он не будет установлен
E: Невозможно исправить ошибки, у вас отложены (held) битые пакеты.

How can this be fixed? apt -f install doesn't help
Ubuntu version: 16.04
Node version: 10.6.0 Npm
version: 6.1.0
Thanks in advance!!

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3 answer(s)
Evgeny Komarov, 2018-07-06


planc, 2018-07-06

nodejs-legacy stupidly creates a node link that points to nodejs ln -s /usr/bin /
nodejs /usr/bin/ node .org/en/download/package-manager/#de...

Abcdefgk, 2018-07-06

In short, the question "why?" asked in the comment is really relevant.
I once installed this nodejs-legacy on the 14th Ubuntu in order to run the application from forever (it would not start without it). Now - since I still have nothing to do, and being somewhat surprised - I quickly deployed the 16th Ubuntu to the VM, put the 8th Node,js on it and tried to install this nodejs-legacy - and the same error. There is no answer on the Internet.
But here's what's next.
I installed this forever globally and launched a small application from it - forever start server.js - and it started up just fine. Those. for forever, it looks like the nodejs-legacy package is not needed in Ubuntu 16.
Hence the question - "why?"

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