Deepin_OS2019-02-14 20:28:14
Deepin_OS, 2019-02-14 20:28:14

Two questions: how to properly install minifiers on PhpStorm and is there a possibility of obfuscation?

sudo npm i -g csso
it is visible in the wiretap, but does not minify it, it is
sudo npm i -g csso-cli
visible in the wiretap, minification is performed, but it is confusing that a bunch of packages are attracted during installation and I don’t understand if they are all needed, especially since there are warnings for some packages that they are under the poppy :)
sudo npm i -g uglifyjs
is visible in the wiretap, minification is performed until es6 appears, on this the minifier goes into an error
sudo npm i -g uglify-es
in the wiretap is visible, minification is in progress, but the version is very old
Question 1: is it necessary and how to install csso with only the necessary packages or install csso-cli and what to use to minify js with es6 support.
Note: at the moment I settled on the universal yuicompressor, but it is very old and sometimes does not minify large files (5000 lines each)
Now the second trouble:
All of the above minifiers, as it turned out from personal experience, stupidly remove spaces, some characters, in short, they simply drive the code into one line. In Siblime Text 3, I used the cool Minify plugin, so it made a mess of js (didn’t check it in css), something like obfuscation, the code even after deminization didn’t look very readable, that is, at first glance it seems that it was written the coolest programmer in the world :) variables are replaced, several constructions are converted into one (in short, an interesting one)
Question 2: is there something similar for a storm or maybe plugins from question 1 can do this, but I'm just not special in their functionality (commands , flags, options, etc.).
Thank you.

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