My joy2016-06-29 18:32:36
My joy, 2016-06-29 18:32:36

Twitter Bootstrap for php?

Good evening comrades.
I found a wrapper library for bootstrap https://github.com/chalenkoa/Bootstrap.PHP/
but it's quite old. I don't see anything newer. Has anyone seen something similar at least for the 3rd version of BS?

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4 answer(s)
Skrolea, 2016-06-29

If you want php + bootstrap in a box configured (with widgets), then take yii2

OnYourLips, 2016-06-29

But it's not clear what PHP has to do with it, there is no connection, because Bootstrap is a client-side technology that has nothing to do with the backend.
The link to Bootstrap.PHP is some kind of game, without a single use case.

littleguga, 2016-06-30

It will not be newer, because now almost everyone uses frameworks and solutions are already being cut for them.

Uniq, 2016-06-30

Throw a template engine on your knee in 5 minutes
, here is an example rubukkit.org/threads/pishem-svoj-shablonizator-v-5...

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