Sergey2014-04-10 10:39:36
C++ / C#
Sergey, 2014-04-10 10:39:36

Training multiple neural networks working together

The "power" of one neural network is not enough, I decided to try several neural networks in series. The crux of the question is: Is there a learning model? And isn't that really stupid?

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2 answer(s)
BelBES, 2014-04-10

It is not entirely clear what you mean by the "power" of the neural network, which was not enough, what type of networks you are using, and what learning algorithm.
In general, in machine learning there is an approach called Stacking - when several different classifiers are trained, and then using some kind of heuristics, or regression for the conclusions of all these classifiers, they get one "averaged" answer. On kaggle, such stack algorithms tend to take the highest places on all chadendzh)

xandox, 2014-04-10

So if you put one neural network behind another, then you will get a neural network!
The learning algorithm will be the same.

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