Ivan Klimchuk2011-10-08 13:19:13
Ivan Klimchuk, 2011-10-08 13:19:13

Tools and systems for maintaining online documentation?

Tell me, please, who knows what cms or systems for maintaining online documentation? You need something like this rtfm.modx.com and preferably open source.

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5 answer(s)
Maxim, 2011-10-08
Bogovick @maxBogovick

maybe Alfresco is for you

skorney, 2011-10-08

You can look at MindTouch Core v10 - we use it at work (the installation there can be muddy, the admin was involved). So in general, a normal documentation system. In my opinion https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript work on this engine.

Ivan Klimchuk, 2011-10-09

thanks for the advice. the task is to copy the structure as much as possible - in order to get the same rtfm, but in Russian. So far, I decided to do it by means of MODx itself.

philpirj, 2011-10-10

At the bottom it says “Powered by a free Atlassian Confluence Open Source Project License”, which in short translation means that this site is powered by a certain type of software product , which, out of the kindness of the soul, is provided by the authors free of charge for open source projects. There are also other software products of the same type that are available free of charge to everyone, not just open source projects.

Edward Tibet, 2015-02-19

A lot of time has passed since the moment of the question, maybe. no longer relevant, but I will answer (maybe others will come in handy):
docbook + Apache Cocoon

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