sergey prohorenko2020-05-16 21:35:40
sergey prohorenko, 2020-05-16 21:35:40

Throws an error when trying to select elements with Selenium for Python?

here is the code:


here is the error:

driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id="courses"]/tbody/tr[12]/td[3]/a").click()                                ^
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I understand that the problem is because of the line in xpath: ( [@id="courses" )
but if this line is removed, the code starts. but no action is taken.
also tried other methods. doesn't matter. the error pops up. does not find the element.
html button code:5ec031054205b309559611.png

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1 answer(s)
Ivan Yakushenko, 2020-05-16

Because you have double quotes in double quotes. They must either be escaped or written like this: '//*[@id="courses"]/tbody/tr[12]/td[3]/a'
Read at least about the syntax, or something.
And yes, why are you using selenium if you control it through pyautogui anyway? Why methods like send_keys did not please you?
PS The code is not allowed to spread in the form of screenshots, only the text wrapped in a special tag.

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