PotatoRep2018-09-30 16:11:39
IT education
PotatoRep, 2018-09-30 16:11:39

The world of programming. Where to start for a newbie?

Good day.
I decided to plunge into the world of programming, but I don’t know where to start. I am a dumb person in this business.
Below is a list of what I came to (in order), in search of where to start a beginner.
1. C# - too difficult in the early stages (they write on the Internet, you need to at least start with JS)
2. JavaScript - they write on the same Internet that it would be easier to get used to, you need to learn / read something about HTML and CSS
3. HTML and CSS - do you think I'm on the right track or not?
While acquaintance began with the book - Eric Freeman, Elizabeth Freeman "Learning HTML, XHTML and CSS"

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5 answer(s)
Vitaly Stolyarov, 2018-09-30

1. C# is too difficult in the early stages (they write on the Internet you need to at least start with JS)

C# is just right to learn programming and OOP. There is too much freedom in JS (dynamic typing, callbacks, asynchrony everywhere and everywhere), which will interfere with the study of programming, and not the language itself
means they are talking about development as a whole, and not just programming. Programming can be learned with output through one console.log
no. Layout is layout, programming is programming :)
Do you want to learn how to program or develop Web applications?

Magnus Keef, 2018-09-30

There is a wonderful Sololearn app on the phone. There, download a course on html, css, go through them and you will already have basic knowledge.
After that, you can find a JavaScript course in the same application. You will also get basic knowledge and first experience there.
And most importantly, programming is a broad concept. Decide what you want to do. Applications for android, for ios, programs for windows, linux, or the field of web development (there are also many areas: front-end, back-end, designer, etc.)

Cheypnow, 2018-09-30

I would advise you to start with something more or less strict and understandable than something, albeit accessible to a beginner, but giving an idea only about this approach (I'm talking about JS). Therefore, C #, Java, Python are quite suitable for a start.
I would advise you to look towards Python, of these three it has a lower entry threshold and a lot of information for beginners.

regular person, 2018-09-30

start by creating a chat or a forum or a blog - from the simplest thing that can be done in client-server programming,
it seems to me that the best way is to start with a simple one

Sufiks Sufiksovich, 2018-09-30

You need to start with the C language (SI) and then study for other languages, give the concept of logic at the initial stage, you will be able to understand the basics in other languages ​​and you can actually write something!
You can know everything a little bit and not succeed anywhere, or you can know something very specific and highly specialized and succeed, or vice versa. It all depends on the environment and life potential.
C language is the base IMHO.
C# - Windows development, trying to port to Android and IOS
Java - everything and everywhere.
Design language and markup HTML & CSS - why do you need it? Do not engage in web development, this is what every student climbs into, save your life!
Everyone immediately climbs to learn C # or JAVA. Give yourself time to get used to and generally learn SI to think logically.
Search the Internet for a picture of the entire C language in one picture. It was on a peekaboo somewhere.

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