body92018-08-18 22:53:09
body9, 2018-08-18 22:53:09

The touchpad does not work on a laptop (Ubuntu 18.04.1), but works under Windows. What is the problem?

I have a YEPO laptop (something similar to the Jumper). Windows 10 comes from the factory on a built-in drive. On Windows, the touchpad works very well. Recently I bought myself an ssd (you can add a disk to the laptop, which I did) and rolled Ubuntu into it. Everything is well established. The only problem is with the touchpad. Doesn't work at all. I tried a lot of things - it did not help.
The kernel sees the touchpad:

[email protected]:~$ xinput --list
⎡ Virtual core pointer                    	id=2	[master pointer  (3)]
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              	id=4	[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ SYNA3602:00 0911:5288 Touchpad          	id=11	[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ A4TECH USB Device                       	id=8	[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ A4TECH USB Device                       	id=15	[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎣ Virtual core keyboard                   	id=3	[master keyboard (2)]
    ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard             	id=5	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Video Bus                               	id=6	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Power Button                            	id=7	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ USB2.0 UVC PC Camera: USB2.0 UV         	id=10	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Intel HID events                        	id=12	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Intel HID 5 button array                	id=13	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard            	id=14	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ A4TECH USB Device                       	id=9	[slave  keyboard (3)]
[email protected]:~$

Touchpad options. It has id=11:
xinput --list-props 11
Device 'SYNA3602:00 0911:5288 Touchpad':
  Device Enabled (142):	1
  Coordinate Transformation Matrix (144):	1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
  libinput Tapping Enabled (298):	1
  libinput Tapping Enabled Default (299):	0
  libinput Tapping Drag Enabled (300):	1
  libinput Tapping Drag Enabled Default (301):	1
  libinput Tapping Drag Lock Enabled (302):	0
  libinput Tapping Drag Lock Enabled Default (303):	0
  libinput Tapping Button Mapping Enabled (304):	1, 0
  libinput Tapping Button Mapping Default (305):	1, 0
  libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled (280):	1
  libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled Default (281):	0
  libinput Disable While Typing Enabled (306):	1
  libinput Disable While Typing Enabled Default (307):	1
  libinput Scroll Methods Available (284):	1, 1, 0
  libinput Scroll Method Enabled (285):	1, 0, 0
  libinput Scroll Method Enabled Default (286):	1, 0, 0
  libinput Click Methods Available (308):	1, 1
  libinput Click Method Enabled (309):	0, 1
  libinput Click Method Enabled Default (310):	1, 0
  libinput Middle Emulation Enabled (289):	0
  libinput Middle Emulation Enabled Default (290):	0
  libinput Accel Speed (291):	0.000000
  libinput Accel Speed Default (292):	0.000000
  libinput Left Handed Enabled (296):	0
  libinput Left Handed Enabled Default (297):	0
  libinput Send Events Modes Available (265):	1, 1
  libinput Send Events Mode Enabled (266):	0, 0
  libinput Send Events Mode Enabled Default (267):	0, 0
  Device Node (268):	"/dev/input/event9"
  Device Product ID (269):	2321, 21128
  libinput Drag Lock Buttons (282):	<no items>
  libinput Horizontal Scroll Enabled (283):	1

xinput --enable 11- did not help
xinput --test 11- nothing happened during the test (should display something)
When you try to turn it on / off in the parameters, it's also deaf:
xinput set-int-prop 11 "Device Enabled" 8 1
xinput set-int-prop 11 "Device Enabled" 8 1
I did everything according to the instructions, it should have worked - https://losst.ru/ne-rabotaet-tachpad-v -ubuntu-16-04
Also climbed the forums, but nothing helped
On Windows, everything is ok. None of the commands helped. I tried installing the synaptics driver. Also deaf. What else can be done? What are the options. Please help. After all, the touchpad is physically working ...

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1 answer(s)
Anton Ulanov, 2018-08-19

Move to an older Linux where there is no ststemd

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