Web Kyb2015-11-11 19:55:18
Web Kyb, 2015-11-11 19:55:18

The site does not work due to .htaccess, it writes an error 500 what needs to be done to make it work?

here is my .htaccess

DirectoryIndex index.php

RewriteEngine On

# Optimize deflate
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml text/javascript text/css application/x-javascript
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html

# Options +FollowSymLinks

# Accses in folder
Options All -Indexes

# Loading Errors
ErrorDocument 401 /error/401.php
ErrorDocument 403 /error/403.php
ErrorDocument 404 /error/404.php
ErrorDocument 500 /error/500.php
# Optimize deflate - немного ускоряем работу скрипта.
# Accses in folder - Запрещаем вывод каталога папок, как я видел у некоторых доступно по адресу http://mysiti.com/templates/Default/ - каталог как на ладони.
# Loading Errors - выводим собственно свою ошибку..

# Виджеты
    RewriteRule ^dev/widget_comm(/?)+$ index.php?go=dev_wid&act=widget_comm [L]

# Отключаем вывод ошибок пользователям
  php_flag display_errors off

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^yandex.* [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^googlebot.* [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^rambler.* [NC,OR]
    RewriteRule ^robots\.txt$ / [L,R]	

# Регистрация
  RewriteRule ^reg/(/?)+$ index.php?go=register [L]
# Отзывы
  RewriteRule ^reviews(/?)+$ index.php?go=reviews [L]
# Apps
  RewriteRule ^apps(/?)+$ index.php?go=apps [L]
  RewriteRule ^app([0-9]+)(/?)$ index.php?go=apps&act=app&id=$1 [L]
  RewriteRule ^apps(/?)+$ /index.php?go=apps&act=search [L]
  RewriteRule ^apps(/?)+$ /index.php?go=apps&act=view [L]
  RewriteRule ^apps(/?)+$ /index.php?go=apps&act=mydel [L] 
  RewriteRule ^apps(/?)+$ /index.php?go=apps&act=install [L]

  RewriteRule ^editapp/create(/?)+$ /index.php?go=editapp&act=create&id=$1 [L]
  RewriteRule ^editapp/info_([0-9]+)(/?)+$ /index.php?go=editapp&act=info&id=$1 [L]
  RewriteRule ^editapp/options_([0-9]+)(/?)+$ /index.php?go=editapp&act=options&id=$1 [L]
  RewriteRule ^editapp/payments_([0-9]+)(/?)+$ /index.php?go=editapp&act=payments&id=$1 [L]
  RewriteRule ^editapp/admins_([0-9]+)(/?)+$ /index.php?go=editapp&act=admins&id=$1 [L]
# Баги
  RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^act=([a-z]+)
  RewriteRule ^(.*)bugs $1index.php?go=bugs [QSA,L]	
  RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^id=([0-9]+)
  RewriteRule ^(.*)bugs $1index.php?go=bugs [QSA,L]
  RewriteRule ^bugs(/?)+$ index.php?go=bugs [L]
    RewriteRule ^method/messages.get method/messages.get.php [L]
    RewriteRule ^method/messages.set method/messages.set.php [L]
    RewriteRule ^api(/?)+$ method/messages.set method/messages.set.php [L]

# Разработчикам
    RewriteRule ^dev(/?)+$ index.php?go=developers [L]
  RewriteRule ^dev/met(/?)+$ index.php?go=met [L]
  RewriteRule ^dev/native(/?)+$ index.php?go=native [L]
  RewriteRule ^dev/tt(/?)+$ index.php?go=tt [L]
  RewriteRule ^dev/standalone(/?)+$ index.php?go=standalone [L]
  RewriteRule ^dev/sites(/?)+$ index.php?go=sites [L]
  RewriteRule ^dev/rules(/?)+$ index.php?go=rules [L]
# Статистика страницы пользователя
  RewriteRule ^my_stats(/?)+$ index.php?go=my_stats [L]
# Страница юзера
  RewriteRule ^u([0-9]+)(/?)+$ index.php?go=profile&id=$1 [L]
  RewriteRule ^u([0-9]+)after(/?)+$ index.php?go=profile&id=$1&after=1 [L]
# Редактирование страницы
  RewriteRule ^editmypage(/?)+$ index.php?go=editprofile [L]
  RewriteRule ^editmypage/contact(/?)+$ index.php?go=editprofile&act=contact [L]
  RewriteRule ^editmypage/interests(/?)+$ index.php?go=editprofile&act=interests [L]
  RewriteRule ^editmypage/all(/?)+$ index.php?go=editprofile&act=all [L]

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2 answer(s)
IceJOKER, 2015-11-11

Do you know what I do in such situations? When I don’t know where the error is and there are no hints
I divide the code into several parts, one by one I delete one by one and see if it works or not, until it works, and then I work on the last removed part, everything is very simple, Watson

Vlad Zhivotnev, 2015-11-11

look in /var/log/apache2/error.log, it will indicate which of the htacces directives does not work on this server.
Most likely you need a2enmod rewrite or a2enmod filter

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