DmitryKoterov2011-11-03 03:07:28
DmitryKoterov, 2011-11-03 03:07:28

The simplest calendar in pure JS (no frameworks, CSS, etc.)

Please advise a calendar widget script that satisfies ALL of the following requirements:
- written in pure JS, without frameworks like jQuery, Prototype, etc. - just a piece of JS code
- does not use any external CSS: the entire design is defined inside this JS
- does not require hands to form any kind of HTML in advance - everything is formed only inside JS
- well, it is desirable - small size, nice look, of course.

Standalone is VERY important: the calendar will be inserted via userscripts/Chrome extension into places where there are no frameworks (and you don’t want to drag it because of such a trifle), and CSS is very hostile to any interference (namely, right inside GMail).

Those. it should be a pure piece of JS. Called - the calendar appeared.

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2 answer(s)
rasa, 2011-11-03

Plain and simple
JS Calendar
JS Event Calendar

phasma, 2011-11-03

script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js';

why is it so hard to google?

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