Vitaliy972020-06-06 23:00:15
Search Engine Optimization
Vitaliy97, 2020-06-06 23:00:15

The right product page for SEO, what do you recommend?

To begin with, I will describe the situation:
I am making a website for the company I work for (on WordPress). The company sells smoking chambers ( smoker ) and many other things (spare parts, consumables, related products, etc.).
Using WooCommerce, the site will have a small store with a little more than 100 products.
Smokers are our main product. They have "variations":
- a smoker can have a different type of heating (electricity, gas, steam, etc.)
- each can consist of a different number of sections (from 1 to 6)
Question - I can not decide in what form to make "pages" oil lamps on the site, so that it is better for SEO, namely:
1 option . Each type of heating (6 pcs.) is a separate product, there are already variations from 1 to 6 sections.
The problem with this solution is that the oil lamps are absolutely identical both in terms of parameters and externally. The pages will differ from each other by a small paragraph about what type of heating is there and that a special one is installed for this. burner.
If I'm not mistaken, it's bad for the site if there are pages with the same content. Since this is the main product, I want to make product cards with a lot of information and pictures, etc., so that we get 6 large almost identical pages.
Option 2 The same first option but improved - make a product category page - "oil lamps". There is a lot of information, pictures, everything to paint, and already on each product card there is a short description of how the type of heating differs and that's it. I don’t really like this option, since there will be very little information on the product page.
3 optionTo make one product - "oil lamp", a large page for the product, and paint everything there.

It is worth adding that there will be no standard woocommerce "add to cart" button for oil lamps, there will be its own button that sends to a separate order page, since oil lamps do not have a constant price and are made to order.

Please help, what is the best way? Thank you in advance.

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1 answer(s)
zorca, 2020-06-07

  1. One product with variations
  2. Study search queries and make landings for these queries linked to one target product

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