NFly2016-01-24 18:06:04
NFly, 2016-01-24 18:06:04

The real number of users online on large services?

How many online users are actually watching streams on Periscope at the same time? That is, it is not the number of registered users that is of interest, not the number of users per day, but how many people have currently opened the Periscope application and are watching broadcasts online.
The same question about other highly loaded services: snapchat, instagram, etc.
What numbers should you be aiming for?

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Ermakov, 2016-01-24

Such dynamic statistics can only be obtained from the developers of the service itself. If we rely on more accessible figures, then according to similarweb, periscope.tv traffic in November amounted to 14.1 million visits, and in December there is a noticeable global decline to 13.1 million visits.
An important caveat: the attendance of the periscope.tv browser interface is very different from visiting the application itself on android and ios.
Getting dynamic data on the number of all running broadcasts at a given time is extremely difficult, and may be impossible even for the developers themselves.

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