Alexander2016-08-18 17:12:37
Alexander, 2016-08-18 17:12:37

The optimal software package for homeowners associations?

Good afternoon.
I'm asking a question for the first time. Therefore, do not judge strictly. Actually wondered how to make the HOA of the future. More precisely, what is the software package for home maintenance, taking into account modern technologies.
How I see the components of the system:
- HOA website, with a personal account for each tenant. (moreover, with the possibility of combining personal accounts for several apartments, if there is only one owner)
- I saw a new development for collecting data from meters. System for collecting meter readings using wireless LPWAN technology. I will not write the name, so as not to inadvertently advertise.
- an accounting module is obviously needed
- an SMS mailing module is needed to inform residents about charges, expiration of meters, etc.
- Also, based on the database of meters, I would like to build self-learning models that would give signals in the event of an atypical water flow in order to prevent leaks.
- and I would like integration with the client-bank system.
What I would like as a result:
- full transparency of accruals for residents, with the storage of the history of payments / non-payments
- full transparency of the activities of the HOA, i.e. at any time, any tenant through his personal account could see the balance on the HOA account, what payments the HOA made in a given period, who paid / did not pay the rent, what contracts were concluded with which contractors.
- automated calculation and billing for tenants, informing them by SMS.
The question is who on the market could implement this integration project, which companies / which specialists to contact.
And the estimated budget for this project.
I would be grateful for any additions / comments / criticism.

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2 answer(s)
Alexander, 2016-08-18

I watched the implementation of 1C for HOA (version 2) and uk - there is already a lot of fancy stuff, it can most likely be done on its basis. Now there is already version 3 of this product solutions.1c.ru/catalog/predsedatel-tsj/features
I think it's pointless to reinvent the wheel - it's easier to finish the one that is.

PBednyagin, 2017-03-02

I present a software solution https://hudsons.ru for HOA. Our system is absolutely free for MCs and residents, and currently solves a number of issues, such as:
The system is developing rapidly and in the near future it will have the functions of voting, creating appeals to the management company, entering meter readings, information on payment for housing and communal services, etc.

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