Vitaly2017-04-21 11:50:49
Vitaly, 2017-04-21 11:50:49

The npm package manager remembers the user and the password from the git, which he does not need to remember (under Windows), where can I fix this?

Hello everyone, the essence of the question is as follows:
in package.json, in the "dependencies" section,
there is such a plan for writing modules

"dm": "git+https://user1:[email protected]/user1/module1.git"

It is very convenient when I can authorize several different repositories with different access keys without hemorrhoids.
Everything seems to be very good, until it comes to git push in other projects.
npm reads package.json and thinks it is obligated to wipe my git login and password in the Windows Credential Manager, which makes it impossible to push commits. You have to manually flatter the credential manager, delete the new account there, push it, enter the login password again in the git password manager.
Maybe there is a way to force npm not to spoil the topic with passwords?

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1 answer(s)
aol-nnov, 2017-04-21

switch to key authentication. and here some manager of credentials?!
passwords in package.json are like blowing your nose up your sleeve: it seems to be okay, but...

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