Artem2018-12-14 10:48:17
Artem, 2018-12-14 10:48:17

The image of a post in facebook (fb feed api php) is incorrectly substituted / What's the problem?

Good afternoon!
The site is configured to post daily to facebook using the api method /page-id/feed.
Once a week, an erroneous post is created with a different image, not the one passed in the picture parameter, but with an additional image. Here is an array of parameters that is passed by curl to php in facebook in the /page-id/feed method :

    [message] => title
    [picture] => http://site.ru/upload/iblock/c60/pic.jpg
    [link] => http://site.ru/section/detail/
    [access_token] => tooooken

At the time of posting, the image is available, by the way, posting to the VK group is also set up on the site, everything is fasting there correctly.
It seems that the feed method does not work correctly, passing only a link for the post, and the image is substituted independently by Facebook through og micro-markup. The og:image markup tag contains the same image as the picture parameter.
What could be the problem, has anyone had a similar problem?

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