Dmitry Timoshkin2017-03-06 20:17:14
Dmitry Timoshkin, 2017-03-06 20:17:14

The hoster blocked the site for phishing, what should I do?

Hello, my hoster blocked the site for phishing, it looks like the site was hacked in some way unknown to me. Site on joomla.
Here is what the hoster wrote:
- perform a full audit of the execution of the code (scripts) of the site for the presence of the main types of vulnerabilities and eliminate them
› SQL injections
› PHP injections
› CRLF injections
› LDAP injections
› Remote File Include (RFI) - inclusion of a remote file
› Local File Include (LFI) - local file inclusion
› XSS - cross-site scripting
› CSRF - cross-site request forgery
› File Upload - ability to upload arbitrary files to the server
› Site administration panel authorization bypass
› Information Leakage - information leaks
› Other script execution errors,
if necessary, contact third-party specialists for this
- update all CMS and modules, remove / disable unused
ones - check cPanel account for viruses with built-in antivirus
- change cPanel password to a more complex
one - check local machines from which it comes work with an account for viruses.
Who will tell you where it can be fixed inexpensively, etc. I don't understand myself.

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2017-03-06

well, there is https://habrahabr.ru/post/303956/

Anton Filippov, 2017-12-02

for the picture

position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;

for parent
position: relative;

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