Alexey2014-02-27 23:32:13
Alexey, 2014-02-27 23:32:13

The future of the web in Russia

Hello! Many of you, I think, have already heard about the consideration of the law on registration of sites. And immediately the question is: will the adoption of this law affect web programming in Russia in the future, i.e. Will it interfere with the "development of the Internet" in our country.

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3 answer(s)
Oleg, 2014-02-28

If these clowns succeed in passing this bill, and it is accepted, a lot of dough will flow out of Russia. And what about the web, how it worked and will continue to work.
If the client wants to register on his native land, let him hang a collar on himself, ask him to bubble his site on a server in Mozambique, but no problem.
And as for interference with the Runet itself, it has been barely breathing for a long time. All that's left is to cut the wires.

Crash, 2014-02-28

You will have to register domains and order hosting abroad. This law will primarily hit Russian registrars and hosters

Puma Thailand, 2014-02-28

It has long been clear that all domains should be registered in foreign zones and hosted abroad.

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