ColdCave2016-01-26 18:11:03
IT education
ColdCave, 2016-01-26 18:11:03

The first higher education in computer science remotely?

Input data:
21 years old, a foreign citizen living with a work permit in Moscow. There is an incomplete higher education (2 courses) at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. A typical story: I entered a random specialty at an insufficiently conscious age based on where they would take me on a budget. Not understanding why I need this and where it will lead me. Now I work as something like a junior in a small IT company with a fairly modest salary (enough to live on, but no more). There is a small "IT" background from school days from going to various computer courses of dubious quality and simple childish interest, which allowed me to find at least some kind of job. For the last half a year or a year, with varying success, I have been engaged in self-education and structuring my knowledge in the field of IT, starting fromkhanacademy.org and codecademy.com and other open online education platforms. I know a little in HTML / CSS and a little in "pogrom" using various technologies based on: C # / Java / JS. I heard about the fundamental sciences (mathematics / physics) from school and university courses: there are some blank spots. Decided to catch up on khanacademy.org and more recently on interneturok.ru. I am also now taking several courses on coursera without certificates, namely:
1) Fundamentals of computing https://www.coursera.org/specializations/fundament...
2) Build complete web solutions https://www.coursera.org/ specializations/full-stack
3) Introduction to machine learninghttps://www.coursera.org/learn/introduction-machin... I
plan to :
1) Machine learning and data analysis https://www.coursera.org/specializations/machine-l...
2) Fundamentals of modern web app architectures https://www.coursera.org/specializations/web-app-a...
Out of the thick fog of uncertainty, a very clear realization emerged that I needed an adequate higher education in the field of computer science. That (perhaps) will give me fundamental and structured knowledge, as well as I will have a diploma, which (perhaps) will help overcome the "glass ceiling" that I will sooner or later bump into in professional growth.
Given the precarious situation in the Russian Federation, the question arises about the future, and about the "plan B", in case everything here finally comes to a head. Namely, about preparing for a possible move to the countries of the "first world" in the future. And here I am again faced with the fact that in almost every of these states, in order to obtain an analogue of the European Blue card, in most cases, you need a specialized higher education, unless of course you are a superman, which all sorts of Googles and Apples are tearing apart.
Because I don't have a lot of money and little free time. I began to look towards distance learning in order to be as unattached to the physical location of the university as possible, spend the minimum amount of money on education and be able to be more flexible in my study schedule. Googling, I came up with the following options:
1) Synergy University synergy.ru
2) Regional Financial and Economic Institute rfei.ru
3) ITMO University de.limtu.ifmo.ru
4) Moscow Institute of Technology mti.edu.ru
Ideally, I would like more, but I know that I’m not ready yet :
1) School of data analysis https://yandexdataschool.ru
From the exotic:
1) University of the people uopeople.edu. More information about this can be found at: zillion.net/ru/blog/198/univiersitiet-liudiei and from the student's blog there: www.danfletcherblog.ca/category/uopeople
I would like to know how "real" these diplomas are, to what extent they are quoted by our and foreign employers, do they give an opportunity in the future to enter a master's program at one of the adequate universities in "this country" or abroad? What other options can you recommend? Perhaps someone is now in a similar position or has already gone through a similar path and is ready to share their experience? Perhaps someone already has a success story of confirming such a distance crust when applying for a job or entering a magistracy? And in general, is this notorious crust really so important and where could one settle down "over the hill" without having it? I want to have a "quoted" diploma, and even more I want to have a diploma backed up by real knowledge.
I tried to describe the situation in as much detail as possible because it seems to me that there are still quite a few people who are in a similar position to me. Perhaps your answers will help not only me, but many others in determining their life vector.

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6 answer(s)
Ai Lab, 2016-01-27

In the IT environment, with the exception of government organizations and some private traders, the crust does not matter, what matters is the portfolio (it needs to be created if not already) and work experience (records in labor and informal work, too, you need to indicate in the resume, but write it like that that the work was unofficial, everyone here is used to Russia), so if you already have enough experience (1-2 years), you can safely look for a new job with a slightly higher salary, since during this time your experience and general level have grown and you no longer the person who was originally hired. When you try to leave in a normal office, they will try to intercept you by offering you more money or other goodies, because. they spent time = money to teach you and no one wants to lose them. Accordingly, there will be a choice - to stay in the same job, but with a higher income, or to find another one. This can be done about once every 1-2 years, but not more often, otherwise the labor will look bad for the employer. At least a year in 1st place shows that you are not running away from work, but are looking for better conditions. As my experience shows, each such breakthrough adds from 15 to 200% to the salary.

JohnJon, 2016-01-26

Where did you see at ITMO that they have distance learning for CS?
They just have an apprenticeship, and it seems to me only for the second highest, you need to find out from them.
1,2,4 points are garbage dumps. There is only one normal university where you can get the first higher CS completely remotely - TUSUR. So at least there will be a crust of a decent university.

Elizaveta Borisova, 2016-01-27

Googling, I liked the following options:
1) Synergy University synergy.ru
2) Regional Financial and Economic Institute rfei.ru
3) ITMO University de.limtu.ifmo.ru
4) Moscow Institute of Technology mti.edu.ru

What kind of gesture? Synergy, rfei, mti ... better without VO than with such diplomas. Although, abroad it can give a ride to set off some courses. But for adequate local companies, it is better to write in a resume without VO than to indicate Synergy.
ITMO should have a correspondence (evening) form, move to St. Petersburg.

sim3x, 2016-01-26

Study at KPI

mamkaololosha, 2016-01-26

adequate higher education in the field of computer science
Another one understood.
computer science remotely no. A lot of mathematics from which you come home and sleep. Otherwise, waste your time. Go to ShAD or similar.

Evgeny Matveev, 2019-09-02

You can also move to a third world country. Even in Honduras, the minimum wage has already become higher than in Russia. Not to mention other countries that were developing while we were degrading. Or work remotely for first world countries

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