Michael2013-03-22 10:25:38
Computer networks
Michael, 2013-03-22 10:25:38

The current way to create an Internet radio station

Hello. Interested in the current way to create / raise a small home Internet radio station. Windows 8 x64 Enterprise and high speed Internet connection included. Tried a bunch of Winamp + edcast + lcecast2. The main problem is that when using this method with my IP, I can listen from the browser, but other people cannot connect. When using third-party platforms / services using their IP, everything is OK, but I would like to do it on my own (using the same lcecast as a server).
Any advice is most welcome. =)
Thank you.

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8 answer(s)
Michael, 2013-03-22

No, from my side only the cord from the provider.
PS Minus something for what =(

Vovanys, 2013-03-22

white IP (external) is necessary ...
but in fact it quickly gets boring so play around ... if you are not a super DJ)

Michael, 2013-03-23

Those. Should I contact my ISP or what? =)

Michael, 2013-03-23

Now moved from Winamp to RadioBoss. The problem with IP still remains. Another question arose: how to stream music from, for example, VKontakte, through RadioBoss?

SOLON7, 2013-03-23

If you have a dynamic IP then you will have to use Dynamic DNS www.dlinkddns.com/login .
Dinamic dns is supported by Dlink Linksys routers.
You need to disable the firewall on the router.
It is necessary to do port forwarding on the router so that when you enter your router, it redirects to your computer in the local network.
+ here is another link
little information to be honest ...

Michael, 2013-03-23

IP is static. I don't have a router. How the provider redirects is another question =)

Michael, 2013-03-23

I figured out how to stream music from VK, but I haven't been able to raise a server through my IP yet.

Michael, 2013-03-28

All: set everything up the way you wanted. Many thanks to everyone for the help and tips.

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