EugeneKudashev2019-04-24 13:30:19
EugeneKudashev, 2019-04-24 13:30:19

The counter of reposts of the site in VK has been reset; what am i doing wrong and how to fix it?

Goal: add a “share” button to the page with a counter of reposts
Problem: the counter has been reset from 300–500 to zero several times already (although a search for posts in VK shows at least 1500 posts)
Code and stuff
Following the documentation from https://vk .com/dev/Share, I added this script to head:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://vk.com/js/api/share.js?95" charset="windows-1251"></script>

And this script in a div with a button:
document.write(VK.Share.button(false,{type: "round", text: "Паниковать вместе"}));

The counter has reached three-digit values ​​(≈300–400); the next morning it showed 11. This has already happened at least three or four times: at arbitrary moments, the counter is reset.
I checked the shares directly through the API by making a request to https://vk.com/share.php?act=count&index=0&url=%MY...
It turned out that, firstly, the numbers are different for urls with a slash (/) in end and without; Secondly, everything is really reset. Now the counter shows 105, although the search for VK posts finds at least one and a half thousand posts.
What could be the problem and how to be?
Does it make sense to change the widget code by explicitly specifying the URL, following the widget documentation ( https://vk.com/dev/widget_share)?
  url: '%WEBSITE_URL%',
},{type:"round",text: "Паниковать вместе"}));

Thanks a lot for any help.

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1 answer(s)
Max Payne, 2019-04-25

Googling it , you're not the only one with this problem.
There are only two options that you can do in this case:
1. Hit the tambourine three times, check seven times if your sharing link has changed, and hit the tambourine three times again. If the problem persists, the option did not work.
2. Contact VKontakte Support , describing the whole problem in as much detail as possible.

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