sortfact3332021-02-15 16:46:39
sortfact333, 2021-02-15 16:46:39

The connection was not established because the destination computer denied the connection request. How to fix?

I created a new django project and followed the celery documentation
ran the project via command line
python manage.py runserver
Parallel launched celery
celery -A shop worker -l INFO
But got an error

[2021-02-15 17:47:27,918: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://guest:**@ : [WinError 10061] Connection failed because the destination computer denied the connection request.
Trying again in 2.00 seconds... (1/100)

How to fix it?

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1 answer(s)
Roman Kitaev, 2021-02-15

Did you start the message broker?

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