John_Berden2018-08-19 09:34:49
Programming languages
John_Berden, 2018-08-19 09:34:49

The choice between C and C ++, and is it even worth it?

Now my question is more related to specialists who have worked with C and C ++. It will be even better if you have worked with high-level languages ​​such as C#, Java, Python.
The topic for beginners may seem simple, but for me, who is a bit of a junior, in the sense that I know a little bit of everything, but there is no technology that stands out, this topic is very difficult. Because everyone has their own opinion, but I want to avoid a halivar.
I want to say right away that it is unlikely that in the future I will choose a programmer as a profession, but now programming is the only thing with which I can possibly start earning money, save up for education, etc.
Since I am a person far from systems and mathematics, Java and Python are my priority. Python is a web, something implemented on it, Java is a desktop, everything that requires more performance, cross-platform and everything else.
Some time ago, I was rooting for C#. But he quit. They pay little, and this argument is more important for me today than productivity and other goodies. Plus binding to NET and Microsoft.
As a result, I stayed in Java and Python, but there are tasks that I am afraid to solve in these languages.
Well, first of all, the Olympics. I was told what happens when a program is required to run at no more than the specified time. That is, performance and minimum memory load are required.
Next, games. I'm not interested in using game engines, but libraries for specific tasks. Opening a window, working with the keyboard, sound, etc. In essence, write your own game engine, but at the same time, using ready-made tools to solve problems.
And in games, I'm afraid for performance. If I was working with C#, I would use C#. Simply because C# has everything I need. But I refused C#.
I repeat that the basis for me is Java and Python. But at the same time, in addition to work, there are those things that are like a hobby. Well, fellow programmers, many of you have a language to work with, and surely many of you have something that you enjoy writing in as a hobby. Those who understand understand, and those who don't...
And I was faced with a choice between two languages, which not only can become a tool in solving my problems, but also in these languages, I will be obliged to study those topics that I always wanted to understand. Memory, stack, etc. This choice is between C and C++.
After the release of the C17 standard, I got even more confused.
The bottom line is that they say this: C is simpler, the standard is smaller, but the complexity of software development is higher, moreover, this language is mainly used in system programming. C++ is more difficult, but software development is easier, but it takes years to learn to write. This prospect is more repulsive than the complexity of software development.
Still interested in high-tech, robots, etc. Java is shoved there, but C is also used.
About the C17 standard, C++ attracts me through OOP and what is more applied seems to have been written in C++. But in the C17 standard, I was told, structs added the ability to use functions.
Fellow programmers, choice of C and C++. What is better to choose for solving the following problems:
Olympiad problems;
Game development;
Client-server applications;
Subsequently, high-tech, robots and more.
Or is it still worth spitting on these languages?
Thanks in advance!

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3 answer(s)
longclaps, 2018-08-19

worth spitting


Evgeny Romashkan, 2018-08-19

Olympiad tasks;
Game development;
Client-server applications;
Subsequently, high-tech, robots and more.

1. These are 4 different areas that use 4 different technology stacks. You will not be able to choose a language in which you can implement all this (of course, in c ++ "everything is possible" but this is not always reasonable, and the circle of use has narrowed with age).
2. You won't master as many areas. It will take you about a year of active study of the chosen field to get any intern at least one at a time. To get some worthwhile money there, you need to invest in it for at least a few years.
And if you consider that yesterday you tried to learn Django, but did not master the template engines, I think this is not for you.
Did you really think these areas would be easier than the web?)

Andrey, 2018-08-19

languages ​​are no longer worth anything. A long time ago you need to know the whole stack of technologies + an overview of those things that are used in related fields.
a typical set of knowledge for a junior
1) language
2) databases
3) commonly used libraries and frameworks in the selected area
4) knowledge of version control systems
5) knowledge of the main development tools (ide, editors and everything that makes life easier for programmers working with a specific stack)
6) general outlook in IT
7) knowledge of the king of IT - Google. really cool thing, try to use at least once. you can google all those questions that you asked
UDP: I read a comment about the fact that the author is blind, and I felt a little ashamed of such a harsh answer. But it won't change some things:
It will be very difficult for visually impaired people. You often have to look for information and if it is difficult for you to do this in large volumes, it is better to stop.

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