Rurik Rostislavich2014-12-30 13:35:43
Zend Framework
Rurik Rostislavich, 2014-12-30 13:35:43

The best web framework?

Tell me a good framework for the site with adding applications, graphics and convenient in terms of both appearance and code.

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4 answer(s)
KEKSOV, 2014-12-30

- Petka, devices!?
- 200, Vasily Ivanovich.
- What's 200?
- What about the appliances?
Each correctly asked question should contain 80% of the answer. Your question only creates more questions. Please clarify the following points - PL (Javascript, Coffescript, Dart, etc.), if we are talking about the frontend at all; platform - mobile browsers or PC; what tasks are planned to be solved with the help of the site, etc. etc.

danteg41, 2014-12-30

I'm sorry, but flesh is flesh, meat. Alas, there is no such technology.

vinograd19, 2014-12-30

I still recommend html to start with. Otherwise, they advised you all sorts of overseas ExtJS with backbones.

Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2014-01-01

Decide on the terms of reference for the site.
the points.
The TK of a blogging engine like WordPress will be just as similar to the TK for an online store, like a mining dump truck to a passenger airliner - both have wheels, but this is where their similarity ends

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