Alexander Daev2020-05-28 21:22:52
Alexander Daev, 2020-05-28 21:22:52

Telegram bot logging, how can I do it?

Hello, I recently switched from bots that subscribe and unsubscribe from people to Telegram bots. The bot has already been made, it can respond to the buttons that are registered in the command. I would like to know who and what commands enters. Searched the Internet, found nothing about this. Can you help how to make a telegram bot log? That is, so that in the input line it is displayed which user and what he entered

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1 answer(s)
TTeratron, 2020-05-29

when your bot triggers an event (someone sent something to the bot), the incoming response contains the identifier of the sender of the message. by this identifier you can get inquire about the account. Unfortunately, it is not clear what you are using (a ready-made framework or http requests, or a webhook), so only a general principle of how to get it.

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