BadCats2020-12-31 20:12:06
C++ / C#
BadCats, 2020-12-31 20:12:06

Telegram Bot API not sending file?

With coming! (for everyone reading in 2020 - Happy New Year!)
I can't deal with the bot - I'm trying to send myself a file from my PC.
Actually, what is the essence of the bot: at home, on the wifi home network, there is Rasbery PI as a server, on which the server part with the bot is spinning in a cycle - the bot receives a url, by which you need to save the web page locally to an external usb connected to the raspberry. But, I also want to have access to the saved files not only on the home network, but to make a static ip on the raspberry (it also has apache and COPS (OPDS cataloger)) - I don’t want to, therefore, I organized “communication” all through the same bot:
Actually, "communication" with the bot (I know that you can make a keyboard with buttons, but this is more of a training project - for myself, and here it's even more interesting for me to make a bicycle)

if (e.Message.Text.StartsWith("$"))//command
                switch (e.Message.Text)
                    case "$help":
                        bot.SendTextMessageAsync(new Telegram.Bot.Types.ChatId(id), "send me some commands:\n $help  -to see commands list\n" +
                            "$books_log - to see list of saved books (from log file)\n $books_list - to see list of saved books(get files name from storage)\n $download - to download some article");
                    case "$books_log":
                        bot.SendTextMessageAsync(new Telegram.Bot.Types.ChatId(id), File.ReadAllText("URLLogs.txt"));
                    case "$books_list":

                        if (e.Message.Text.StartsWith("$download"))
                            string pathToFile = GetDownloadFilePath(e.Message.Text.Substring(e.Message.Text.IndexOf(" ") + 1), e);
                                if (File.Exists(pathToFile))
                                    Console.WriteLine("file exist");
                                    Console.WriteLine("file NOT exist");

                                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(pathToFile))
                                    InputOnlineFile iof = new InputOnlineFile(stream);
                                    iof.FileName = "";
                                    var send = bot.SendDocumentAsync(new Telegram.Bot.Types.ChatId(id), iof, "Сообщение");

                                //bot.SendDocumentAsync(new Telegram.Bot.Types.ChatId(id), new Telegram.Bot.Types.InputFiles.InputOnlineFile(pathToFile));

                            catch (Exception ex)


                return false;

The essence of the problem: the code works without errors, it is displayed in the console that the file exists, but the file itself (htm page) - I do not get it.

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Yudakov, 2020-12-31

Judging by the name of the method "SendTextMessageAsync", you should use "await" when calling it.
The same goes for calling the "SendDocumentAsync" method.

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