cehka2018-02-01 20:24:47
cehka, 2018-02-01 20:24:47

Telegram API, throw a picture with a link, but don't show the link, how?

Is it possible to throw a picture with a link, for example


and at the output just get a picture in the chat?
The link is thrown by the bot via send_message.

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3 answer(s)
xdgadd, 2018-02-02

Just wrap the image in a tag <a>and add &#8203;it as text. Then the picture will be sent without a visible link:

bot.send_message(id, '<a href="IMG_URL">&#8203;</a>', parse_mode="HTML")

arynyklas, 2019-11-15

Solution to your problem: instead of send_message send_photo

bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, 'https://pp.userapi.com/c841220/v841220591/667c8/16VMgxEjb94.jpg')

Akcent Goncesta, 2018-02-02

Заверни картинку в ссылку . И отправляй как текст с параметром parse_mode = "HTML".
text ='<a href="https://pp.userapi.com/c841220/v841220591/667c8/16VMgxEjb94.jpg" >Любое название </a>'

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