Pashinayn2018-05-10 17:32:16
Pashinayn, 2018-05-10 17:32:16

Telegram account user ID. What is known?

What can be known about a telegram user about his account id?
From them one can understand his actions; Who does he correspond with, what is he signed to? If you know the number to which the account is attached and the id of the account, is it possible to compare these data?
It is possible to de-anonymize a person who runs an anonymous channel if their id is known.
All according to Orwell. Do the thought police know everything?

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4 answer(s)
Stalker_RED, 2018-05-10

The thought police agreed with the telegram management a long time ago, and / or introduced their bookmarks to them on the servers.
The whole circus with locks and the demand for keys is aimed at making the hamsters believe in the impenetrability of the cart, and not look for other means of correspondence for their dark deeds.
#It's customary to turn paranoid mode off, but not this time.

Ha ha ha ha!

Anton Anton, 2018-05-10

to which the account and account id are attached, then this data can be compared

If you add this person to your telegram address book by phone number via the contacts.importContacts API method (this is not api bots, but a telegram client), then his id will come in response. Whether it matches the id that the author of the channel has is easy enough to check :)

Twelfth Doctor, 2018-05-10

If you know the number to which the account is attached and the id of the account, is it possible to compare these data?

Yes, of course you can (if you have access to Telegram servers).
Whether the Thought Police have such access is another question.

Allah Akbarovich, 2020-06-27

I know that I am an archaeologist.
The easiest thing is to find a bot. Here are a couple:
@SangMataInfo_bot - of all that I have seen so far the best, but minus, if the account is hidden by the user, then the bot gets into a dead end
The rest that I tried work through one place
But I repeat, this is all only provided that the account is not hidden by the user. Hidden no one will be able to see from no contacts

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